Good morning! I just have a couple of minutes before getting ready for work, but I wanted to share a book recommendation for anyone who wants to "be a writer". I'm only on chapter 4, but I have to say it is giving me a feeling of freedom to write (much like the freedom I feel when reading "Women Food and God"!)
The Right to Write
is by Julia Cameron, who has written many books, many of them about the writing process. What I love about her is that she is not about formal writing instruction like you got in high school and college. She is about putting the words on the page, and if necessary, polishing the work up later. I have highlighted many quotes already and will come back later today to share some of them. Another one of her books that I really liked is The Writing Diet
, which I am going back to read again soon. Both of these books have writing prompts or tools at the end of each chapter to get you actually writing, instead of just planning to do it "one day." (By the way, I really wish the second book I mentioned didn't have the word "diet" in the title, because it's not a diet book. It was probably a marketing decision, but I think it could have been named something else.)
OK, Gotta go get in the shower, but I wanted to get some words on the page this morning and I will be back later with quotes and more comments to share.
Make it a great day!
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