A Picture is Worth a Thousand Feelings

I ran across this picture on another blog and it spoke so powerfully to me that I felt I had to share it.

The title is "Flawed Divinity" and I have been unable to find out who the photographer is or where it originated. And maybe that's as it should be.
I have heard variations on the saying that God's Spirit or light is within us, and that it's the hard times, the falling down and getting back up, the mistakes we make, etc, that leave "cracks" in us, and that those cracks are a blessing because they allow the light of God to shine out to others. This picture embodies that to me, but it says so much more, some of which I'm not sure I can put into words.
In it I see a hard outer shell, one that perhaps she has built around herself because of pain and fear. But her posture is one of entreaty, openness, willingness to be broken open. It's as if she knows the light is within her and she knows she has been covering it up and shutting it down. But she is now at a point where she is willing to let the light peek through the stone. She is willing to look up and within at the same time. She is alone and still. She is away from all the distractions and people in her life and is looking for a way to reveal the Truth that she knows is inside her. She is ready to shed the shell and truly shine to the world, to let everyone see the real woman that has been there all along.
And maybe I see all of that in the picture because I see all of that in myself. The journey continues......

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